Again Patch 1.4.0

20 Nov 2019

Welcome back everyone!

We've been waiting for this moment for a while but today we have come to celebrate the true release of Again on Steam.

Release Notes:
- The most annoying issue with the controls not working on some computers is solved, controls are smooth and responsive now.
- Updated the engine version and post-processing stack so that the game looks better.
- Now we have a small town like prop randomly generated at the bottom of the game to add an ability to easily guess the orientation of the player in game, acts as a decoration.
- Some bug fixes with the level selection in game screen and added sfx volume slider on the options screen.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.

On the other end a lot of things have started to cool down from the crazy summer, my apologies for not releasing this update sooner, please expect more content and updates in the near future. 💪🏽

Please feel free to join the Discord server to hang out and have fun while the games are being work on! The invite link is also added on the website header above too! All the rules are still worked on and accepting mods who would love to give a helping hand.

Oh, and some videos are coming too! Shh, nobody has to know about that right now!!

Thanks for sticking around and see you all soon!

And... of course there's a 🍰 for everyone!

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