Again Development Start

10 Jan 2018

Again 🎮 is a simple 3D platform jumping game for Windows and Mac (for now) with beautiful visuals and chill audio (still in progress).

The game consists of 5 levels in the order of increasing difficulty. Player has to jump on the next platform as fast as possible until there are no more platforms left in the level, cause the timer is running non-stop (24/7). can i already get a prize for best jokes overall 2018? 🍩

All the levels are first hand drawn on the paper and then included in a small game system that does all sorts of magic to allow you to play. cough, cough, without any bugs or anything 🐞

Mouse/Keyboard and Controller controls:
- Movement => WASD | ⬆️⬅️⬇️➡️
- Look => Look around with mouse
- Focuse on the next platform 🤖 => F Key

Stay tuned for the Steam release date announcement and more awesome news!

As the game is still in the oven cooking nicely I wanna say thank you for reading, here, have a cake again 🍰. closes the door